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Screen Time tracks how much you’ve used your iPhone or iPad. It also lets you schedule times when you shouldn’t be using apps or set maximum amounts of time you’d want to use specific types of apps, like games.

屏幕时间跟踪您使用iPhone或iPad的次数。 它还可以让您安排不使用应用程序的时间,或者设置要使用特定类型的应用程序(例如游戏)的最长时间。

You can use Screen Time as a parental control feature with your child’s iPhone or iPad, too. This feature is new in , which Apple will likely release in Fall, 2018.

您也可以将“屏幕时间”用作孩子的iPhone或iPad的家长控制功能。 此功能是新增功能,Apple可能会在2018年秋季发布该功能。

如何查找屏幕时间设置 (How to Find Screen Time Settings)

To find Screen Time settings, head to Settings > Screen Time. The “Screen Time” option is just under “Do Not Disturb” near the top of the Settings list.

要查找屏幕时间设置,请转到设置>屏幕时间。 “屏幕时间”选项位于“设置”列表顶部附近的“请勿打扰”下方。

If you only see a “Turn On Screen Time” option here with no data, that’s because Screen Time is currently disabled on your device. You can tap “Turn On Screen Time” to enable it, but you’ll need to wait for your iPhone or iPad to collect data about how you use your device before viewing any informative reports.

如果您在此处仅看到“打开屏幕时间”选项而没有数据,那是因为设备上的“屏幕时间”当前处于禁用状态。 您可以点击“打开屏幕时间”将其启用,但是您需要等待iPhone或iPad收集有关设备使用方式的数据,然后才能查看任何有用的报告。

如何查看报告 (How to View Reports)

To view reports about screen time usage, tap the report options at the top of the Screen Time screen. At the top of the screen, you can choose to see a report for only today or the last seven days.

要查看有关屏幕时间使用情况的报告,请点击“屏幕时间”屏幕顶部的报告选项。 在屏幕顶部,您可以选择仅查看今天或过去7天的报告。

You can also tap the “Devices” option at the top right corner of the screen and select which devices from which you want to see reports. For example, if you have both an iPad and iPhone, select “All Devices,” and you’ll see a combined report that shows how much you’ve used both devices. You can also select a single device to see only its usage report.

您还可以点击屏幕右上角的“设备”选项,然后选择要从中查看报告的设备。 例如,如果您同时拥有iPad和iPhone,请选择“所有设备”,然后您会看到一份合并报告,其中显示了您使用这两种设备的次数。 您也可以选择一个设备以仅查看其使用情况报告。

The graph here shows you how much you’ve used your device over the past 24 hours or the past week. Long-press a bar if you want to see exactly how much time it represents.

此处的图表显示了过去24小时或过去一周内您使用设备的次数。 如果您想确切地看到它代表多少时间,请长按一个条。

This data is also broken down by the specific type of application, so you can see how much time you spent using reading apps, productivity tools, entertainment applications, and games. This tells you exactly how you’re using your time.

此数据也按特定类型的应用程序细分,因此您可以查看花在阅读应用程序,生产力工具,娱乐应用程序和游戏上的时间。 这准确地告诉您您如何利用时间。

Other information shown here includes how your current usage today compares to your average daily usage, the length of the most extended session you’ve used your device today, and the total amount of time you’ve spent using your device in the last week.


Look below the screen time graph for more information. Under the “Most Used” section, you’ll see how long you spend using specific apps—or you can tap “Show Categories” to see how long you’ve used specific types of apps.

请查看屏幕时间图下方,以获取更多信息。 在“最常使用”部分下,您会看到使用特定应用程序花费了多长时间,或者您可以点击“显示类别”以查看特定类型的应用程序已经使用了多长时间。

Under the “Pickups” section, you’ll see how many times you picked up your phone or tablet today or in the last week. You’ll also see how often you’ve picked it up and the times when you most frequently pick it up.

在“提取”部分下,您会看到您今天或上个星期提取电话或平板电脑的次数。 您还将看到捡起它的频率以及最常捡起它的时间。

Under the “Notifications” section, you’ll see how many notifications you get, when they arrive, and from which apps. This might make you realize one or more apps are bugging you too much and help in deciding whether to .

在“通知”部分下,您将看到收到的通知数量,到达的时间以及来自哪些应用程序。 这可能使您意识到一个或多个应用程序困扰您太多,并有助于确定是否。

如何安排停机时间 (How to Schedule Downtime)

Screen Time lets you schedule “downtime” when only receive phone calls and use apps that you explicitly allow. For example, you might want to set downtime during the hours when you’re supposed to be asleep, which will—hopefully—prevent you from lying in bed on your phone rather than trying to sleep.

通过“屏幕时间”,您可以在仅接听电话并使用您明确允许的应用时安排“停机时间”。 例如,您可能希望在应该入睡的时间内设置停机时间,希望这可以防止您躺在手机上而不是试图入睡。

To schedule downtime, tap “Downtime” on the main Screen Time page and enable the “Downtime” option. Set your desired start and end times here. This setting will be synchronized to all devices you sign into using the same iCloud account, and you’ll see a downtime notification five minutes before your scheduled downtime.

要安排停机时间,请在“屏幕时间”主页面上点击“停机时间”,然后启用“停机时间”选项。 在此处设置所需的开始时间和结束时间。 此设置将同步到使用同一iCloud帐户登录的所有设备,并且您将在计划的停机时间前五分钟看到停机通知。

When the downtime arrives, all the app icons on your home screen—except the ones you’re allowed to access, like Clock, Settings, and Safari—will be grayed out.


If you tap one, you’ll see a message saying you’ve reached your time limit. You can tap “Ignore Limit” to open the app anyway. You can then tell your iPhone or iPad to remind you to stop in fifteen minutes or to ignore the limit for today permanently.

如果您点击一个,您将看到一条消息,提示您已达到时间限制。 您仍然可以点击“忽略限制”以打开应用程序。 然后,您可以告诉您的iPhone或iPad提醒您在15分钟内停止操作或永久忽略今天的限制。

After all, it’s your device, and you can do what you want. This won’t lock you out of your apps—the feature is just designed to give you a helpful nudge if you want it.

毕竟,这是您的设备,您可以做自己想做的事情。 这不会将您锁定在您的应用程序之外,该功能只是旨在为您提供有用的帮助。

如何设置应用程序限制 (How to Set App Limits)

The iOS operating system now lets you set time limits for specific categories of apps. For example, you might limit yourself to only 30 minutes of games per day, or just one hour inside social media apps. These limits reset every day at midnight.

现在,iOS操作系统使您可以为特定类别的应用程序设置时间限制。 例如,您可能会限制自己每天只玩30分钟的游戏,或者在社交媒体应用程序中只玩一个小时。 这些限制每天在午夜重置。

To configure this, tap “App Limits” on the Screen Time page and then tap “Add Limit.”


Choose one or more categories of apps and then tap the “Add” button. You can also select “All Apps & Categories” here if you’d like to limit your time in all apps on your phone or tablet instead of specific types of apps.

选择一个或多个类别的应用程序,然后点击“添加”按钮。 如果您想限制手机或平板电脑上所有应用(而非特定类型的应用)中的时间,也可以在此处选择“所有应用和类别”。

Finally, select the maximum amount of time you’d like to spend on these apps every single day. You can choose different amounts of time for different days of the week if you like. For example, you might want to give yourself more time for games and other time-wasting apps on the weekend.

最后,选择您每天希望在这些应用上花费的最长时间。 如果愿意,您可以为一周中的不同日期选择不同的时间。 例如,您可能希望在周末给自己更多时间玩游戏和其他耗时的应用程序。

As with downtime, even when you’ve exceeded your time limit, you can still bypass the time limit and use the app, if you want. These limits are just designed to help you make plans and stick with them.

与停机时间一样,即使您超出了时间限制,也可以绕过时间限制并根据需要使用该应用程序。 这些限制旨在帮助您制定计划并坚持执行。

如何选择始终允许的应用 (How to Choose Always-Allowed Apps)

Screen Time lets you set apps that are “always allowed,” even during downtime or if you’ve exceeded your app time limits. For example, the Phone, Messages, and FaceTime apps are always allowed by default, ensuring you can still communicate.

屏幕时间可让您设置“始终允许”的应用程序,即使在停机时间或超出应用程序时间限制的情况下也是如此。 例如,默认情况下始终始终允许使用“电话”,“消息”和“ FaceTime”应用程序,以确保您仍然可以进行通信。

To configure this list of apps, tap the “Always Allowed” option on the Screen Time page. You can then add and remove apps from the list. You can remove Messages and FaceTime from your always allowed apps if you like, but the Phone app is essential, and there’s no way to restrict it.

要配置此应用程序列表,请在“屏幕时间”页面上点击“始终允许”选项。 然后,您可以从列表中添加和删除应用程序。 您可以根据需要从始终允许的应用程序中删除“消息”和“ FaceTime”,但是“电话”应用程序是必不可少的,并且没有任何限制方法。

如何配置内容和隐私限制 (How to Configure Content & Privacy Restrictions)

Content & Privacy Restrictions, while available under Screen Time, are more like parental controls. They let you set limits on App Store purchases, restrict certain types of websites, and prevent someone with the iPhone or iPad from changing system settings. Many of these options were previously available elsewhere at Settings > General > .

“屏幕时间”下的“内容和隐私限制”更像是家长控制。 它们使您可以设置对App Store购买的限制,限制某些类型的网站,并阻止使用iPhone或iPad的人更改系统设置。 这些选项中的许多以前在其他位置的设置>常规>可用。

To set content & privacy restrictions, tap “Content & Privacy Restrictions” on the Screen Time page. You’ll be prompted to set a PIN, which prevents people from changing these settings without your permission. This is particularly useful on a shared iPad, for example. You can then enable the “Content & Privacy” option and configure your desired options here.

要设置内容和隐私限制,请在“屏幕时间”页面上点击“内容和隐私限制”。 系统会提示您设置PIN码,以防止他人未经您的许可更改这些设置。 例如,这在共享iPad上特别有用。 然后,您可以启用“内容和隐私”选项,并在此处配置所需的选项。

如何设置屏幕时间密码 (How to Set a Screen Time Passcode)

Parents can use the Screen Time options to lock down a device, too. For example, you can enable downtime on a child’s iPad to prevent them from using most apps during bedtime hours, or configure app limits to prevent them from playing games all day.

父母也可以使用“屏幕时间”选项来锁定设备。 例如,您可以在孩子的iPad上启用停机时间,以防止他们在就寝时间使用大多数应用程序,或者配置应用程序限制以阻止他们整天玩游戏。

To do this, tap “Use Screen TIme Passcode” at the bottom of the Screen Time page and then enter your passcode. No one can get more time when an app’s time limit expires or modify Screen Time settings without that passcode.

为此,请点击“屏幕时间”页面底部的“使用屏幕时间密码”,然后输入您的密码。 如果没有时间限制,则应用程序的时限到期或修改“屏幕时间”设置都不会让任何人获得更多时间。

如何通过孩子的帐户使用屏幕时间 (How to Use Screen Time With a Child’s Account)

Screen Time integrates with . If you have one or more child accounts in your family, you can view those accounts under the “Family” section here. Tap an account to enable Screen Time for it, which will let you view reports about your children’s device usage and set limits if you want.

Screen Time与集成在一起。 如果您的家庭中有一个或多个孩子帐户,则可以在此处“家庭”部分下查看这些帐户。 点按一个帐户以启用其“屏幕时间”,这将使您可以查看有关孩子的设备使用情况的报告,并根据需要设置限制。

如何禁用屏幕时间 (How to Disable Screen Time)

If you don’t like Screen Time and don’t want to use these features, you can disable it. This will stop your iPhone or iPad from keeping track of how you use your device, so you won’t be able to see reports. Your device will immediately delete its collected data, too.

如果您不喜欢“屏幕时间”并且不想使用这些功能,则可以将其禁用。 这将阻止您的iPhone或iPad跟踪您的设备使用方式,因此您将无法查看报告。 您的设备也将立即删除其收集的数据。

Disabling Screen Time will also stop your device from showing the Weekly Report notification when iOS generates a new Screen Time report.


To disable it, scroll down to the bottom of the Screen Time page and tap the “Disable Screen Time” option. Your iPhone or iPad will delete its collected usage data and stop tracking it. You can return here and re-enable Screen Time in the future if you like.

要禁用它,请向下滚动到“屏幕时间”页面的底部,然后点击“禁用屏幕时间”选项。 您的iPhone或iPad将删除其收集的使用情况数据并停止对其进行跟踪。 您可以返回此处,以后再根据需要重新启用“屏幕时间”。

Apple will probably start tracking more types of data and provide more Screen Time options in a future version of the iOS operating system. For now, Screen Time gives you the essential data you need to understand how you use your device, and it can provide some helpful nudges if you want them. For parents, Screen Time includes more powerful parental controls, too.

苹果可能会开始跟踪更多类型的数据,并在将来的iOS操作系统版本中提供更多“屏幕时间”选项。 目前,“屏幕时间”为您提供了了解如何使用设备所需的基本数据,如果需要,它可以提供一些有用的帮助。 对于父母来说,“屏幕时间”还包括更强大的父母控制功能。




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